To discover, develop and bring to market novel and innovative medicine and medical devices to improve the quality of care for cancer and neurological patients.


NovAccess Global, Inc. is building long-term shareholder value through intelligent acquisition of assets in clinical stage research and development, balanced with medical assets in market. We bring together the best technological assets and the best scientific and executive team to accelerate taking these assets to market. We also promote growth of products in the market and utilize our expert Board of Advisors to increase the market share of our assets. We seek to have rapid growth through acquisition and organic growth. We are focused on cancer technologies that fit into our business plan but are also responsive to uniquely focused opportunities.


To accelerate and advance therapeutics and diagnostics in cancer and neurological diseases. NovAccess Global is creating a model that will redefine standards of progress in the effective diagnosis and treatment for cancer patients and patients with other neurological diseases, by synergizing breakthrough advancements in immunotherapy.